Manene Collection


Gift Art

I just love it when people add little Mime Jr drawings to the packaging and such.

So, I decided right away that I'd keep everything I get!

Custom Figure

My first custom anything that I ever ordered.

Probably one of the cutest figures in my entire collection. I'm always scared he might break, though.

Small Amigurumi

Commissioned from AbstractAttic on deviantArt.

My first custom plushie. So precious. And he was only $15! I'd really recommend the artist.

Large Amigurumi

Commissioned quite a while back from lunarchik13.

It was the first custom I ever ordered, but the most recent to have shown up.

I don't remember what it cost, at all, anymore. But whatever it was, he's adorable, so entirely worth it.

Bead Sprites

Made by the amazing miss_fuu_chan from the pkmncollectors community.

I'll need to commission a battle sprite too, once I have the extra money. They're a really neat addition to my collection.

Own Custom Figure

It's pretty horrible, but I made this one myself.

Since it's not glazed or anything, it's a lot more breakable, and I keep it away from the rest of my collection. Derpy as it is, I still like it.